Issues affecting businesses in 2022 – part one
Get your business firing on all cylinders again!
The current state of play
Businesses across the UK are facing multiple challenges as we progress into 2022. Some of these include;
New Brexit Regulations
Supply and Logistics
Talent and People
Financial challenges
Our first blog in this series will solely focus on the workforce challenges owners may be struggling with currently and how to face them head-on.
Are you struggling to motivate your workforce this year?
According to the BBC, some firms saw 50% of staff off pre-Christmas, and with workplaces told to plan for absences of up to 25% having a reduced workforce is presenting all kinds of issues for business owners.
The current COVID requirements mean that owners are placing a lot of trust in our employee’s integrity when it comes to positive COVID test results. While most employees are trustworthy, there’s always a handful of chancers looking to exploit a bad situation and pull the wool over the eyes of their employers.
We are all suffering from Covid fatigue, but without a well-managed, motivated, and engaged workforce, how will you be able to get on track and get your business firing on all cylinders again?
Your Motivation Plan of Action
1) Restrictions in the workplace
As freethinking individuals, your people will have their varying views on the compulsory workplace measures the government has imposed on businesses. These restrictions can be seen as no longer necessary by some, but still very much essential in the eyes of another. Regardless of opinion, these measures must be put in place until further guidance is announced.
However, this can work in your business’s favour and motivate both sets of employees, if you consider intent. You’ve already ticked a box when it comes to returning staff members who believe in maintaining COVID restrictions in the workplace, such as social distancing and ventilation. These employees are appreciative and motivated to give their all for you as you’ve been a considerate owner who has listened to their concerns regarding health and wellbeing.
Now, consider intent when it comes to your employees who are frustrated with endless workplace restrictions and believe that we must begin to live with COVID and return to a measure-free office…
You’ve carefully spaced out your meeting room just so Natalie and James can return to the workplace; two instrumental and valued members of your team. You need them just as much as they need you and you can’t wait until you are all working effectively under the same roof again. Lifeless email exchanges and long Zoom calls are nothing compared to in-person discussions, regardless of if they are work-related or surrounding weekend antics. You want nothing more than for them to be heavily involved with your strategy and decision-making.
Your employees are integral to the success of your business moving forward post-COVID. So, why not let them know this? It will go a long way when it comes to motivating your entire workforce.
2) Manage your remote workforce
You and your employees may have found that remote working was a huge success and that you would like to adopt it moving forwards. According to a study by Sodexo, 79% of employees who experienced working from home because of the pandemic are seeking the option to continue working remotely. It’s great to have flexibility and choice when it comes to working, however, you must ensure that your people are managed well. If not, lack of productivity, social isolation, and miscommunication could occur, leading to unmotivated employees.
For more information, take a look at our previous post, Effectively Managing your Remote Workforce
3) Managing your remote Human Resources
You can’t hope to run your business effectively without keeping track of who’s working; who’s on holiday; and who is absent. So, in addition to managing the morale and productivity of your remote workforce, you’ll also need to keep check of absences and Human Resources.
Large corporations usually have an HR department or designated person, as they have much more employees to keep track of. SMEs don’t need this level of investment into human resources; however, it is still wise to invest in an affordable platform where you can manage your staff efficiently.
You could try our online HR hub pictured above, where you can effectively manage staff absences, sanction holidays, and view how many days each employee has available to book off. It’s that simple and efficient. Plus there’s a host of useful information regarding Covid.
To enquire about our digital HR platform, please click here or get in touch with us for more information.
Covid-19-related Statutory Sick Pay Rebate Scheme
Additionally, new legislation has been issued by the government that reintroduces the Covid-19-related Statutory Sick Pay Rebate Scheme. Employers with fewer than 250 employees can make claims for rebates if staff absences are strictly COVID-related.
To check to see whether your business is entitled to claim, click here
4) Set your business strategy and share it with your team
Imagine this; you’re back to business as usual, you’ve worked hard to meet the needs of your team and you’re feeling incredibly optimistic about what the future holds for your business. Great! But it will have all been for nothing if you do not keep your employees motivated with a concise and effective business strategy.
An effective business strategy exists as a clear roadmap directing you and your team towards your desired goals.
It should outline the steps and priorities that you and your team should take/consider.
It must be carefully thought through and well researched – have you considered your unique selling point? What gives your company a sustainable competitive edge?
Consider your competitors: What are they doing that you aren’t and what are they not doing?
Above all, your business strategy must be developed and shared with your staff. They may bring something new and inventive to the table that could aid your strategy.
For a further read into business strategy, click here
Consider new business trends that could further your business in 2022
In their extensive report into upcoming business trends, KornFerry has established seven for you as an owner to consider in 2022. They include:
- Reinvention – Digital Transformation
- Scarcity – Retain and Reskill
- Vitality – Employee Wellbeing
- Sustainability – Path to net-zero
- Individuality – Work-life balance
- Inclusivity – The power of all
- Accountability – Trust
To read the full report, you can download the free PDF here
5) Share the load
Although doing everything in your business may seem like the most practical option, the workload can often lead to burnout and stress. You could even find yourself working in your business with very little free time for yourself.
But you don’t have to face the challenges of managing your workforce alone – having a business advisor will help you lighten the load and see things from a different perspective (sometimes business owners are just too close!).
So, why not take advantage of a Free Business Health Check? Receive a free, no strings attached in-depth insight into your business, from the perspective of a highly experienced professional that can help you to support your business.
If you would like any further information on how you can support your business moving forwards or help on building a strategy, please don’t hesitate to contact us here