Do you find yourself in the owners trap?
19-05-16Based on feedback from my recent Freedom Workshop I have various points to share with the struggling business owner stuck in the “owners trap”
Do you want the freedom to choose how many hours you work or to sell your business in the future, but don’t know what you need to do? You may be stuck in what’s called the Owner’s trap. You are at the centre of your business and there is no business without you. Does this sound familiar?
Our seminar particularly focused on how to scale a business, what service or products to focus your sales effort on.
For the seminar we focused on the following 3 factors:
- How trainable is the service and/or product?
- How valuable is that service and/or product to your customer?
- How recurring is the sale?
I thought for those who find themselves in the owner’s trap, where they feel they can’t pass on their knowledge, the following article could assist with up-skilling staff in areas where you have the expertise. Even if this just sparks an idea for other areas. Click here to read more.

Growing your business
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